The Alabama Bankers Association included several expert sources in their May / June 2017 edition of Board Briefs.
Contributors shared perspectives on commercial real estate, historic tax credits, financial regulatory reform and many additional topics relevant to the banking sector. Jim White, chairman of Porter White & Company, was one of the contributors included in the publication.
White authored a piece entitled, “Board Best Practices: Skating to Where the Puck Will Be,” which explores the relationship spectrum associated with boards of directors and senior management at corporate entities. On one end of the spectrum, directors refrain from making policy and management decisions. On the other end of the spectrum, directors are deeply engaged in all decisions made by the entity (both large and small).
According to White, “Effective organizations have a culture somewhere in the middle.” He follows this recommendation with a list of discussion points for directors to review and examine. By discussing these items and uncovering best practices, directors will be able to improve performance.
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